Teaching in Korea

Teaching in Korea

90 Days in the Desert…

I’ve just passed the three month mark. The adjustments to life in the GCC are nothing like I imagined. I’m up on workdays around 5 o’clock. Food and living over here are far cheaper than I imagined they would be. Even cheap-eats over here taste fairly good. So I’ve been eating out a lot. Expat culture ...

After School Program … Be Careful What You Wish For

Back in March I was asked about after school programs by my co-workers. So I told them I’d like to conduct a reading class with students who needed help with their reading and didn’t have access to the hagwons. I said that I’d like to help out the lower-level students. How very Edward James Olmos ...

Seasons May Change… Jobs May Change… But My Health Stays the Same

Spring is finally here in Korea. It’s been awhile so this will likely be a lengthy update.  March was unusually cold and I’ve been unusually sick. I caught a cold in mid-March that somehow morphed into a nasty sinus infection with a nagging persistent cough.  My co-workers suggested I take a sick day to rest ...

Good-Bye Teacher … Lessons from a Less Than Perfect Year

I put this post up a few days ago, my father told me it was a little too bitter, and jaded. He sometimes acts as my editor/conscience on certain things. Anyways the outside perspective is good to have because what we mean to say isn’t necessarily the same as what is heard or read. With ...

Graduation Day ~ Saying Goodbye

Today my students graduated from middle school and are moving on to high school. It was interesting to see how the Koreans do their graduation ceremonies. They start much the same way as at home, a short speech, diplomas, awards, more speeches and a song to close. A few things I noticed, greetings are of ...

2010… EPIK Year in Review

Over here in the land of the morning calm, the clock ticks down on 2010.  I came down with something vicious last night.  New year’s eve has been a day of chills, hot flashes, body aches and other less speakable ailments.  K’s out now with friends for a bit, she wanted to stay home with ...