Teaching in Korea

Teaching in Korea

Do You like Oranges?

It sounds like an innocent question.  But actually it turned into a uniquely Korean situation. Lately I’ve taken up swimming in the mornings.  It’s a really nice way to start my day.  I show up at the pool next to my school at 7 AM and usually I get the lap lane all to myself.   After ...

The Week In Review…

The good …  Surprise pay for teacher training was double what I expected.  It was even sweeter that the pay came on Friday and my Head Teacher let me leave early to get a Canadian dollar money order from the bank.  Now I can send off my criminal record check and start gearing up for ...

Halfway there…

I’m now finished my vacation, and I’m back at the school.  I had a open class just four days into the new semester.Thankfully it’s  my final one of the year.  For anyone who doesn’t know, an open class is basically a teaching demonstration.  Teachers from other schools as well as a supervisor or two from ...

A strange thing happened today…

I look in the mirror.  There’s something strange and foreign about the face staring back at me.  It’s smiling at me! I’m smiling! I’m happy!   In less than 24 hours I will be on vacation! 아 싸!  My camps all went really well, I taught my elementary school students Green Eggs and Ham, then we ...

It’s Not Like Being Tickled by Angels…

FUHK! FUUUUUUUUUHK!  WHAT THE FUHHHHHHHK? SHIT! SERIOUSLY!!! WHAT THE FUHHHHHK!   I had a real stinging pain in my left arm and at first I thought somehow a rock flicked up from the road and got me right on the bicep.  At first I didn’t say anything, but that feeling didn’t go away.  Instead it intensified ...

Back in 2030

In August I will conducting some teacher training, specifically I’ll be working on ‘Teaching Reading in Korea’.  Although I was given the task last month, I drove off the actual writing until this past week.  It’s not like I haven’t been working, actually a lot of background reading and internet research went into it.  But ...