Goals and Dreams

Goals and Dreams

Busan and Summer Resolutions

This weekend was a pretty good one. On saturday I got some much needed rest and relaxation. Me and K went to Santa Clause, a local foreigner-friendly bar. WE enjoyed the Western breakfast and some fusball. Sadly K beat me 2 out of 3 times. It might turn into Air Hockey all over again. Afterwards we ...

Summer Resolutions

June 18th: My little sister visited this week and surprised me with a graduation gift… A Nintendo DS!!! Awesome!! Very nice and VERY unexpected. It’s been fun going to school with you and hanging out over these past two years. Thanks Sis. Well another summer is approaching. For those who aren’t aware, for the last few ...

It’s Been a Long Time Coming…

I’m now officially graduated from university! I also want to thank some other people who’ve helped over the years. To G O’Reilly: Always there with help, whenever I had a question, you had the time to listen and if you couldn’t answer you always had a text that could help. To B, D, C: You took me in ...